Scaffold design
With the introduction of the 'Working at Height' regulations 2005 and TG20 the following was issued by HSE:-
The HSE (Health & Safety Executive) states that:
- Unless a scaffold is a basic configuration described in recognised guidance e.g. NASC, Technical Guidance TG20 for tube and fitting scaffolds or manufacturer's guidance for system scaffolds, the scaffold should be designed by calculation, by a competent person, to ensure it will have adequate strength and stability.
- All scaffolding should be erected, dismantled and altered in accordance with either NASC guidance document SG4 for tube and fitting scaffolds or the manufacturer's erection guide for system scaffolds.
- For scaffolds that fall outside of the scope of 'Basic Scaffolds' as described in point 1, the design information should describe the sequence and methods to be adopted when erecting, dismantling and altering the scaffold, if this is not covered by published guidance as detailed in point 2.
- Any processed modifications or alterations outside a generally recognised standard configuration should be designed by a competent person.
- Handover certificates should refer to relevant drawings, permitted platform loadings and any specific restrictions on use.
To this end, DaMar Scaffolding Ltd use a dedicated software programme, 'Smart Scaffolder'.
Through this software, we are able to produce compliant sheets that determine whether the scaffold needs any further design input.
Should further design/calculations be required, we have the facilities to produce such through an independant 3rd party sctructural designer.